SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase


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Emmaus (pronounced em-may-us) is a homelessness charity with a difference. We don’t just give people a bed for the night; we offer a home, work opportunities, and a sense of belonging.

The first Emmaus opened in 1991 and there are now 29 communities, which is what we call our residential sites, spread across the UK. There are also three Emmaus groups currently working to open new communities.

Emmaus supports more than 850 people who have experienced homelessness. We provide a home, training and work opportunities as part of a package of long-term support. We hope to provide a home to 1,100 people by 2025.

For many people who have experienced homelessness, losing their self-esteem can be the most damaging part of their experience. Being on your own, with no support around you can be soul destroying, leaving you feeling worthless.

Emmaus is different because it provides a home for as long as someone needs it in an Emmaus community. This gives people the opportunity to take stock of their lives, deal with any issues they might have, and often re-establish relationships with loved ones.

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