SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

MNWB - Merchant Navy Welfare Board

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MNWB is the umbrella charity for the UK Merchant Navy & Fishing Fleets. The Board has 45 maritime charity constituent organisations who provide services and grants that support the welfare of seafarers and their dependants.

 Referrals into SSAFA may come from the MNWB in which case a £30 contribution will be given to local SSAFA funds (in the area where the Caseworker is located). MN clients are welcome to approach SSAFA directly and do not have to come via the MNWB, although in such situations we suggest that the Caseworker contact MNWB prior to starting the Form A process to discuss the client’s eligibility for support from the Seafaring Charities.

In general terms clients are eligible if their MN verification shows:

  • They have served under the Admiralty Charter (i.e. hostile waters) for any length of time
  • They have 5 years’ service at sea
  • They have served less than five years but were injured whilst at sea and medically discharged due to these injuries
  • If they have served for over 10 years at sea, they may additionally be eligible for an annuity.

See also - Merchant Navy

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