If you can't afford to top up your prepayment meter, you might be able to get a fuel voucher. This is a code given to you in a letter, text message or email. You can use it to add credit to your gas card or electricity key. If you don't have one of these, contact your supplier to get one.
Your local council might be able to help you get a fuel voucher - find your local council on GOV.UK. If you’re still not sure if you can get a voucher, get help from an adviser.
The unique Fuel Bank solution provides same-day help to address self-disconnection. Emergency credits are made to prepayment meters for families in crisis. Any supplier's meter is topped up within a couple of hours.
Fuel Bank is delivered through a number of trusted community partners up and down the country, from Local Authorities to housing associations, local debt support charities or community groups.