SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Risk - Safeguarding and Risk Management

Updated on

In an emergency call 999

 Otherwise please follow the SSAFA Casework Risk Guidance which includes an overview, plus links to the most up-to-date Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at SSAFA

All employees and volunteers coming into contact with children and adults at risk have a responsibility to protect them and ensure they receive a safe effective service.  Our safeguarding policy and direction is to assist you in identifying possible signs of abuse, to help you respond appropriately and to let you know who to discuss your concerns with.

Safeguarding concerns can vary greatly in terms of their nature and seriousness, how they have been identified and over what duration they have arisen. If you have concerns about a child or an adult you should ask for help. Every Local Authority (or equivalent) in the UK will have teams responsible for the safeguarding of adults and children. It is important that you find out the local arrangements and contact details for your area.

It is important that you know who to contact in SSAFA if you have a concern about a child or adult at risk. 

Do not feel that because of data protection, or GDPR, that you cannot share your concerns with appropriate employees or Local Authority adult and children's teams – information sharing is essential for effective safeguarding of adults and children. 

The most important consideration is whether sharing information is likely to support the safeguarding and protection of a child or adult.

Risk Management/Training

Ensure that your Safeguarding Training is up to date.

For employees please see Safeguarding Policy

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