SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Casework Supporting Documentation

Updated on


This guidance is to support you as the caseworker to identify the supporting documents that should be attached to a case.

It covers the most regularly requested types of support only, and recognises that you will sometimes have cases where using your expertise you identify that additional supporting documents will be required. 

Please also refer to The Assistance Providers Matrix – this gives an overview of core assistance providers policy limits and supporting documentation requirements.


Providing comprehensive casework documentation to the Assistance Providers is key to achieving the best possible outcome for your client as soon as possible.

Related articles to support your casework

Where should documents be stored on Mosaic?


Verification of Service only is attached here due to the fact that documents stored here can be viewed by all Mosaic users from every organisation.


NDP Region Caseworkers should attach all supporting documents at this stage


Caseworkers in all non-NDP Regions should continue to attach all supporting documents at this stage.  All information attached here can be viewed by the Assistance Providers who are invited into the case to consider pledging.

Applicable to All Cases

Verification of Service (VoS)

  • Must be attached to the eligible individual’s person summary.
  • Examples of VoS includes but is not limited to a Certificate of Service, a red or blue service book, a formal pension letter, a letter confirming verification of service from any of the three disclosure cells, and an MoD90 ID card for current serving personnel only.

Bank Statements

  • Must be included from all bank accounts the applicant holds. Even if the accounts are empty or have not been used in a long time.
  • Must cover the immediate 3-month period prior to the submission of the case.
  • Must be on official bank stationery.
  • Electronic statements are also acceptable.

Mobility Equipment

This includes but is not limited to mobility scooters, wheelchairs, adjustable beds, rise recliner chairs and walking aids.

OT Report

  • A report on headed paper detailing the outcome of the occupational therapy assessment.
  • Product recommendations specific to the applicant’s needs. · The Occupational Therapist’s Health and Care Professional Council registration details must be included in the report.

Two Quotes

  • The quotes can be in the format of a screenshot from a website or a written/typed quote.
  • The quotes need to match the item(s) recommended by the OT in their report.

NHS Wheelchair Service Decision (for a wheelchair)

  • Written confirmation that the NHS wheelchair service has been approached and the outcome of the applicant’s application.


This includes priority debt, some assistant providers also consider non-priority debt.

Debt Advisor Recommendation

  • A personalised debt management plan from a qualified debt or money advisor, rather than an automated service.
  • A recommendation for charitable assistance to clear the applicant’s debts.
  • Confirmation of financial sustainability if the debt is to be cleared.

Evidence of Arrears

  • Documentation from the lender confirming all payments that are overdue.

Care Home Top-up Fees

Local authority contribution evidence

  • Documentation from the local authority detailing their contribution towards the cost of the individual’s social care.

Care home cost

  • Documentation from the care home detailing the costs.

Rent and / or Bond

Confirmation of costs

  • Copy of the tenancy agreement (if available).
  • Alternatively, a letter from the landlord or letting agent stating the cost of the first months’ rent and/or bond.


Funeral Expenses Payment Decision Letter in England and Wales (if applicable)

  • Where the applicant is in receipt of a qualifying benefit a letter confirming the outcome of the FEP application from The Department for Work and Pensions.

Funeral Support Payment Decision Letter in Scotland (if applicable)

  • Where the applicant is in receipt of a qualifying benefit a letter confirming the outcome of the FSP application from Social Security Scotland.
  • Where the applicant is not receiving a qualifying benefit this should be stated in the Caseworker’s report as the reason for why the applicant has not applied for a FEP/FSP.

Funeral Directors Estimate (if applicable)

  • Some funeral directors require a deposit prior to the funeral. On occasion, applicants may request support with the deposit. In this case, an estimate provided by the funeral directors including the cost of the deposit should be present.

Funeral Insurance/Plan (if applicable)

  • Where the deceased has taken out funeral insurance/plan, a copy of the policy.

Death in Service Employment Benefit (if applicable)

  • Where the deceased was working at the time of their death and their employer has/will provide a death in service payment to their family, a copy of the policy.

Funeral Directors Invoice

  • An itemised invoice on headed paper from the funeral directors.

Electrical Appliances / Furniture / Flooring

Two quotes

  • Screenshot(s) from a website or a written/typed quote detailing the product(s).
  • One quote may be accepted if it is from the assistant providers preferred supplier(s).

Physical or Mental Health Services

This includes but is not limited to surgical, audiology, dentistry, optometry, mental health or rehabilitation services.

Specialist Clinical Recommendation

  • A headed letter signed by a specialist clinician must state that the treatment is not available on the NHS or the waiting time is so long it would cause pain, hardship and/or distress to the applicant.
  • The specialist clinician would need to clearly state they support the treatment.

Estimate (if applicable)

  • If the procedure has not taken place an estimate from the health care provider confirming the proposed treatment and price.

Invoice (if applicable)

  • If the procedure has taken place an invoice from the health care provider confirming the service provided and the cost.


This includes but is not limited to improving access to rooms and facilities by fitting a level access shower or a stairlift. Building an extension for example a downstairs bedroom or a wet room. Widening doors and installing ramps or grab rails.

Disabled Facilities Grant Outcome

  • A letter confirming the outcome of the DFG application to the local authority.

Consent from Housing Provider (if applicable)

  • Where the applicant is renting the property, a letter from the owner of the property giving permission for the adaptions to take place.

Occupational Therapist Report

  • A report detailing the outcome of the occupational therapy assessment.
  • Product recommendations specific to the applicant’s needs. · The Occupational Therapist’s Health and Care Professional Council registration details must be included in the report.


  • Two quotes on headed paper giving the estimated price of the work.
  • Both quotes need to be comparable and match the OT’s recommendation(s).

House Removals/Redecoration/Repairs/Maintenance


  • Two quotes on headed paper giving the estimated price of the job or service.
  • Both quotes need to be comparable and describe the same work/service.

Energy Grant Scheme (for boilers only)

  • Documentation from the provider of an energy grant scheme and their decision/outcome.

Heating Engineer Report (for boilers only)

  • Report by a registered Gas Safe engineer confirming they have undertaken a visual assessment of the heating system. The report should detail the heating systems condition and ability to meet the applicant’s needs.

Travel Costs

This includes but is not limited to travelling to and from hospital appointments, grave or memorial visits or seeing children.

Two quotes

  • Screenshot(s) from a website or a written quote detailing the travel costs.

Evidence for travelling

  • Written evidence confirming the reason for travelling.

Further Questions

If you have any questions regarding supporting documentation, please consult with colleagues and your line manager. For further assistance contact the Casework Support Manager at [email protected].

Reporting Changes

Assistant providers occasionally change the casework documentation they require. Please email the Casework Support Manager at [email protected] if you are aware of any changes to the documentation required.

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