SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Arranging a Client Visit

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When you accept a case on Go Assemble, within 1 working day the Regional Office will allocate the Mosaic case to you. 

This process list gives step by step detail from this point to just prior to your visit with the client.

What happens after you have accepted a case on Go Assemble:

  • You will receive an automated email from Mosaic into your Go Assemble email confirming that the case you agreed to on Go Assemble has now been allocated to you in Mosaic
  • Log into Mosaic using the link in Go Assemble
  • On Mosaic the case will appear in your ‘incoming’ work
  • ‘start’ the case
  • This takes you to stage 2 'Application for Assistance' and by clicking on the 'SSAFA - Triage' tab you can read the full client triage information recorded by the Regional Office
  • Within the triage information you can check that 'verbal consent' has been obtained as this removes the need for you to complete a hardcopy Form A with the client
  • Where any form of caseworking risk has been identified you will be told of this in the triage information - ensure that you are content with the recommended mitigations 
  • The Regional Office is there to support you so if you require clarification or have queries or concerns please contact them via Go Assemble or by phone

Arranging a visit with a client:

  • Consult the ‘Home Visits and Personal Safety’ leaflet
  • Withhold your personal telephone number by dialling 141 before the client’s number on each call
  • Check you are speaking to the client and make carry on with your usual introduction
  • Check the client has received the Regional Office email which includes ‘Notes for Clients’ and ‘How military charities will use my personal information.’
  • During the call complete the 'Caseworker Visit Checklist'
  • Arrange a date, time and place for the visit
  • Contact the Regional Office if you have identified any risks during your call with the client
  • If a safeguarding risk is identified follow the SSAFA Safeguarding policy
  • Where the client has email send an appointment confirmation from you Go Assemble email to the client
  • Consider confirming you visit with the client 24 hours beforehand

Preparing for and recording a visit:

  • Record the agreed visit date and time on the Mosaic Person Summary as a ‘case visit’ for both in person and remote visits
  • Download or print relevant caseworking documents
  • Remember you SSAFA ID Card
  • Consult the ‘Home Visits and Personal Safety’ leaflet
  • Provide a trusted person with the timings of your visit and the Regional Office contact number
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