SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Almonisation Process, Order of Almonisation

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The order of almonising for funds is as follows:

1.        Assistance available from Statutory Bodies (Funeral Grants, DFG’s, Benefits etc)

2.        Local authority provision

3.        Civilian charities

4.        Regimental (and equivalent) charities – please see the Antecedent Regiment List

5.        Single service charities

6.        SSAFA Restricted Funds listed as ‘SSAFA Financial’ on Mosaic

Best Practice

It is appreciated that all the various assistance providers have their own eligibility criteria and rules for pledging assistance. Specific advice can be sought from Casework Support, the individual providers themselves or their guidelines.

Brown/White Goods

Unless using one of our ‘recognised providers’ (where only one quote is required) ensure at least two quotes are attached to the case for household items and brown and white goods including fridge, freezers, washing machine and carpets. 

If the goods value is in excess of £10,000.00 then 3 quotes should be gained.

Core Assistance Providers Grants Matrix

When almonising to core APs please refer to this matrix –It gives guidance as to the AP’s Policy on finance/grant limits and documentation requirements in relation to many areas of almonisation e.g. savings capital thresholds, funeral expenses, white/brown goods, care home top up fees etc.. The Matrix is produced by the cross charity Casework Steering Group (CSG) and reviewed yearly. 

Debt Advisor Recommendations

Priority debt assistance applications should include evidence that the client has sought advice from a trained Benefits, Debt and Money Advisor (BDMA) such as Step Change or Citizens Advice and a report attached to the case. The report should state that Service charity assistance is advised.

See the Compass section on Finance

Declining Financial Assistance

Although our restricted funds are limited, we aim to provide financial assistance, where possible, towards individual cases. However, there are times where unfortunately we will have to decline financial assistance. The most prevalent reason for the SSAFA Financial declining a request for assistance is a lack of detail in the Form A or evidence attached to the case.

Evidence must be uploaded to Mosaic prior to submitting the case to SSAFA-Financial for assistance.

 After feedback from fund providers, it is essential that the ‘Case Notes’ section on Mosaic includes as much information about the case as possible, especially when relevant attachments/documents have not been obtained due to exceptional circumstances. Include as much detail and information as you can, as this will assist all the approached fund providers in making an informed decision.


For funeral grant applications, firstly, ensure that the client has applied for the statutory funeral grant payment. You can find more information on the statutory provisions here.

Occupational Therapy Reports

Applications for mobility aids, equipment that meet the needs of a beneficiary originating from disability, injury or ill health; specialist beds or home adaptions must include an Occupational Therapy report attached to the case.

OT Practice Referral form

OT Information

Second-hand Goods

If considering purchasing second-hand goods, then consideration should be given to the quality and lifespan of those goods. To that end, household electrical items and clothing should not be purchased. In all instances advice should be sought from the Welfare & Grants Team in advance of purchase.

Training Courses

Requests for financial assistance for training course fees must include an attached letter of a job offer on completion of the course. Without this information attached to the Form A or CMS, the Welfare & Grants Team will have to wait for a response from the other approached fund providers, before we make a decision on the case. 

Remember to check the client’s eligibility for Enhanced or Standard Learning Credits.

ABF will consider on a case by case basis.

TRBL are no longer facilitating employment grants, so managing expectation is the main thing.  It may be worth checking in with a beneficiaries Regimental Fund as to whether their charter covers employment grants.


Enhanced Learning Credits.

Information provided in Form A

Please ensure the case worker report is as detailed as possible. Caseworkers are the eyes and ears for assistance providers and help them make a fair assessment and judgement on pledging towards a case. If this section lacks detail, a case may be declined financial assistance. Do not assume the fund providers have knowledge of the case details. They do not read between the lines; therefore, they need the devil and the detail.

If financial needs have been met in full for a case but a new need arises, a new application for assistance must be submitted to request further financial assistance. The new application should include any new change of circumstance as well as additional supporting evidence, documents and quotes.

For more information on any of the above points, please contact the Casework Support Manager directly on: [email protected] 

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