SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Leavers Process

Updated on

Step by Step Guide for Volunteer Managers

There are 2 routes in which a Volunteer can initiate the Leavers Process.  This guide will detail both routes so that as a Volunteer Manager you can follow the steps for each.

Route 1  Volunteer Self Leave Process

  1. Volunteer decides to leave.
  2. Volunteer logs in to Go Assemble.
  3. Volunteer goes to the Roles and Responsibilities tab and selects Leave Role.
  4. Volunteer selects role they are leaving (if more then one role and wishes to leave both roles then select both).
  5. Volunteer completes the Leave Role Form.
    1. Selects reason for leaving.
    2. Option to feedback.
    3. If they would recommend volunteering with SSAFA to friends and family.
    4. Populates the date they would like to leave.
  6. Volunteer then selects the blue button “Start leaving process”.
  7. Volunteer Manager is notified within their Dashboard under Notifications and is informed to complete a Leavers form for the volunteer.

Route 2  Volunteer Manager completes Leavers Process on behalf of Volunteer

  1. Volunteer is thinking about leaving their role.
  2. Volunteer contacts their Volunteer Manager to discuss.
  3. Volunteer Manager arranges a suitable time to hold a “Leavers Discussion” and uses the Leavers Discussion Guidance to capture the appropriate information and discuss other options (take a break / change of role).
  4. Volunteer Manager logs in to Go Assemble.
  5. Volunteer Manager goes to My Team and finds the Volunteer who wishes to leave.
  6. Volunteer Manager selects the Volunteer to open their Volunteer record.
  7. Volunteer Manager saves Discussion Template and meeting notes as a Touch Point (Individual Meeting): -
    1. ADD TOUCHPOINT (almost top left of screen).
    2. Select Individual meeting.
      1. Add date and time.
      2. Subject: Leavers Discussion.
      3. Add any comments.
      4. Attach the completed Leavers Discussion Template.
      5. MARK as PRIVATE.
      6. Select “Add touchpoint”.
  8. Volunteer decides to leave.
  9. Volunteer Manager goes to the Roles and Responsibilities tab and selects Leave Role.
  10. Volunteer Manager selects role they are leaving (if more then one role and wishes to leave both roles then select both).
  11. Volunteer Manager completes the Leave Role Form.
    1. Selects reason for leaving.
    2. Populates the date they would like to leave.
    3. Selects if they feel that the volunteer is unsuitable for SSAFA or not (Yes should only be selected if a volunteer relationship has been revoked).
    4. Selects if they would like to notify the named manager (this should always be Yes).  
  12. Volunteer Manager then selects the blue button “Start leaving process”.
  13. Volunteer Manager is notified within their Dashboard under Notifications and is informed to complete a Leavers form for the volunteer.

Leavers Form -  This is completed by the Volunteer Manager for each role (if more then one role).

  1. Volunteer Manager opens the Leavers Reference Form by selection action within the notification.
  2. The Leavers Reference Form details will state the following: -
    1. Volunteer name.
    2. Role.
    3. Who the process was initiated by.
    4. Leaving date.
    5. Reason for leaving.
  3. Volunteer Manager completes the remaining form.
    1. Confirms if they would have the volunteer back in the same role.
    2. Confirms if they would recommend the volunteer in another role.
    3. Confirms if they will provide a reference*.
    4. Confirms if they would like to send a 'thank you' message**.

* Reference - If providing a reference then this box should only state the main tasks of the role. No other information should be added to the box!

** 'Thank you' message - is pre-written and approved by SSAFA's Controller.

4. Volunteer Manager then completes the Leavers Process by selecting the blue button “Complete leavers process”.

5. The volunteer Manager should complete a ‘Volunteer Exit Form. This will trigger an alert to the Volunteer Experience team who will ensure all necessary records are deactivated across systems and submit a ticket to revoke relevant system access.

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