SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

New starters report

Updated on


To provide a list of all new role starters, including existing volunteers starting a new role.

Filters available

  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Date (range)

There's also the option to Show Identifiers (the Assemble user ID)

Sort available

  • Name
  • Team
  • Role
  • Start date (role)

Links available

  • Click on the user name to go to their record
  • View in My Team – Yes


Users who are now inactive will not be displayed in the MyTeam view in the Volunteer tab. Please add the Inactive status to the pre-set filters and go to the All tab. Users who have left the role but are still active will not be displayed in either tab.


  • Yes
  • User ID; name; role profile ID; team name; role profile title (internal name); start date
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