SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Opportunity activity report

Updated on


To provide an overview of the performance of opportunities for conversion and view rates.

A summary table provides the following information:

  • Opportunities published (count)
  • Times viewed (count)
  • Applications made (count)
  • Conversion graph

A graph displays the conversion rate of views (to applications) and applications (to cleared to start as a volunteer). Hover over points on the graph at the start of each month to display precise percentages.


Opportunity title; opportunity status (published, offline, draft); advert dates; count of each: displayed, views, applications, cleared, closed.

Terms defined

  • Displayed – number of times the short advert tile has been returned as the result of a search and the user has viewed that page of results
  • Viewed - number of times the full details of the opportunity have been displayed, usually click-through from the short advert tile
  • Applications made - number of times an application form has been submitted. This does not count how many times the Apply button from the opportunity details page has been clicked.
  • Conversion rate – applications count as a percentage of views count. The graph also shows a blue line for cleared to start count as a percentage of applications count.
  • Cleared – applicants who have completed the entire application process, including checks, and became volunteers. This does not measure whether or not they’ve completed any active volunteering eg had a shift, or if they’ve subsequently left.
  • Closed – applications closed during the application process for any reason meaning that they were never cleared to start volunteering for this opportunity.
  • Action date/time (export only) – the specific time and date of the search, view or application for any given opportunity, to enable more detailed reporting and analysis.

Filters available

  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Date (range)

Sort available

  • None

Links available

  • Click to view specific opportunity (edit screen)
  • View in My Team – No (not applicable)


  • Opportunity ID; opportunity name; opportunity type (ongoing, one-off, fixed period); (recruiting) team name; (recruiting) team ID; partner organisation (name – if applicable); advert start date; opportunity start date; opportunity end date (one-off or fixed term only); searches (count); views (count); applications (count)
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