SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

How to approve expenses?

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Submitting expenses for approval will trigger a notification to the named supervisor. As a manager, you can view claims awaiting approval at any time from 'Expenses\Waiting my approval' or for your team via 'Assigned to my team'. 

Casework Volunteers will have their expenses approved by designated staff in the Regional Office who will make the payment through their normal method of payment. The finance team will authorise payment as soon as the claim goes on the system.

Branch Volunteers will have their expenses approved by Branch executives and paid by the Branch Treasurers through their normal method of payment using branch funds.

Awaiting approval

All claims waiting approval are listed with a summary of the claim. From the list view the only available option is view as approval or rejection of a claim must be completed within the claim. 

Viewing the claim will show all the related line items, totals and notes with the number of attached documents (as a link where one or more are attached). Click the number shown below 'Attached documents' to download/view. 

Approving a claim: Please remember to check all necessary evidence is included with the claim for audit purposes, this includes copies of receipts and start and finish postcodes in the case of mileage claims. To approve a claim the supervisor must agree to the submission terms (set by the system admin) by selecting the tick box, after which the approve button will be enabled. On approval the claim will be passed to the relevant people for payment. 

Rejecting a claim: Rejecting will prompt for a reason which will be passed back to the volunteer and the claim closed. The line items will return to the volunteers unclaimed expenses area so they can modify and re-submit as a new claim.

Payment process

For Casework Volunteers For Branch Volunteers
1. If claim is authorised by Regional Office staff, an invoice will be sent to the RO expenses mailbox automatically. 1. If claim is authorised by Branch executives, an invoice is sent to the Branch Treasurer automatically to their Assemble email address
2. RO staff upload invoice and enter payment in the volunteer's bank account using the relevant budget code  2. Branch Treasurer receives invoice and uses branch funds and volunteer bank details on Assemble to process payment
3. Finance team authorises payment and expense claim is paid 
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