SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Overview (diversity) report

Updated on


To provide a monthly breakdown of the key diversity and user statistics (count of users; age; gender; ethnicity; sexuality; disability; religion)

Filters available

  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Date (year)

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  • None

Links available

  • None
  • View in My Team - No


  • No

Additional Notes

Numbers of volunteers may change every day for larger organisations so the average is used for diversity purposes.

Each individual table for diversity statistics show the percentage of total users in that category for each month. There is also the average percentage of average (mean) total users for that year. Months without data are counted as a zero with the average for the year divided by 12 months.

User numbers

  • Minimum users (count)
  • Maximum users (count)
  • Average users (count)
  • Starters – new users (count)
  • Leavers – inactive users (count)
  • Hours – all activity categories (count)

Age breakdown

Average percentage of average total users, by month, in each age category. This is calculated from the user’s date of birth.

  • Prefer not to say
  • Under 16
  • 16-19
  • 20-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 65-70
  • 71-80
  • 81+
  • Not supplied

Gender breakdown

  • Prefer not to say
  • Man (incl trans man)
  • Woman (incl trans woman)
  • Non-binary
  • Other gender identity
  • Not supplied

Ethnicity breakdown

  • Prefer not to say
  • Asian
  • Black
  • Arab
  • Chinese
  • Mixed ethnic background
  • White
  • Any other
  • Not supplied

Sexuality breakdown

  • Prefer not to say
  • Bisexual
  • Gay/lesbian
  • Heterosexual
  • Other
  • Not supplied

Religion breakdown

  • Prefer not to say
  • Atheist
  • Buddhist
  • Christian (all denominations)
  • Hindu
  • Jewish
  • Muslim
  • Sikh
  • Other
  • No religion
  • Not supplied
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