SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Overview (starters and leavers) report

Updated on


To provide an overview of starters and leavers as a comparison with total users and their motivations for volunteering and leaving.

Filters available

  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Date (range)

Overview panel

  • New starters (count) – total number of new roles which were assigned as the primary role at the time of being added

            Previous period – count

            Percentage change from last period to this

  • Leavers (count) – total number of leavers (inactive users)

            Previous period – count

            Percentage change from last period to this

  • Total users (count) – the highest total number of users

            Previous period – count of highest total

            Percentage change from last period’s highest total to this

Starters, Leavers vs Total Users panel

A graph shows starters and leavers plotted by effective date and the total users displayed as a separate measure. Starters and leavers use the unit measures shown on the left-hand Y axis, whilst the units for the total users are marked on the right-hand Y axis. All three lines can be selected individually to show or hide.

User lists – starters

  • Click to view a list of starters – name, role title, role start date.
  • View in MyTeam - Yes

Only primary roles are displayed so this list may be different to the total new starters shown in the overview panel if changes have been made to an individual user’s primary role.

User lists – leavers

  • Click to view a list of leavers – name; role title (primary); leaving date
  • View in MyTeam – Yes

This takes you to the volunteer tab in MyTeam with active statuses pre-selected. To view the inactive users you must select Inactive status and select the All tab in MyTeam.

User motivations

Doughnut chart and list of motivations with count of current (active users) selecting each and ended (inactive users) selecting each.

  • View in MyTeam - No

Only motivations that have been selected by at least one user are shown.

Leaving reasons

Doughnut chart and list of leaving reasons with count for each inactive user (leaver in the specified period) selecting each.

  • View in MyTeam – No

Only leaving reasons that have been selected by at least one leaver are shown.

Sort available

  • Name (full-name)
  • Length of volunteering

Links available

  • Click on the user name to go to their record
  • View in My Team - Yes


User ID; Name; Start date; Length of volunteering (days)

Additional Notes

The start date is displayed in the Details tab of the user record. This is automatically set to be the earliest role start date recorded in Assemble unless an earlier date has been added manually or during the user import process.

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