SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Overview (activities) report

Updated on


To provide an overview of volunteer activities and hours by team, role and user.

Filters available

  • Categories (activity)
  • Teams
  • Roles
  • Date (range)

There's also the option to Display Identifiers (team, role or user IDs)

Sort available

  • Team
  • Volunteers (count)
  • Activities (count)
  • Hours (count)

Links available

  • By Team view – click on Team name to view the outcomes report for that team
  • By Role Profile view – click on Role Profile name to view the outcomes report for that role profile
  • By User view – click on the user name to go to the activities tab on the user record
  • View in My Team – No


  • By Team view – Team; activities (count); users (count); minutes (count)
  • By Role profile view – Role*; activities (count); users (count); minutes (count)
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