SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

My activities

Updated on

Assemble allows you to record activities within SSAFA. In its most basic form, activities consist of a date, type and duration or start/end times. 

Although we know that recording of hours never does justice to the contribution of volunteers, by recording this information, we will have a better understanding of the range of activities carried out by our volunteers, for reporting purposes.

On the activity listing page, you will have an overview of yours and your team activities hours.

Add activity

To record an activity, press the "Add Activity" button at the top of this page. When recording an activity you have carried out, you are asked to enter the following:

  • Activity description: Just enter a brief description of what you completed. Example: "Went to HQ to pick up posters for the coffee morning."
  • Category: Please select the most appropriate category that describes the activity you have carried out. Depending on the category you select, you may also be asked to enter Activity Outcomes. 

Please be aware that the list of categories is determined by your administrator.

  • Start: Please select the date you have carried out this activity. The date cannot be in the future.
  • Role: If you have multiple roles within your organisation, please select the correct role in which you have completed this activity.
  • Duration: Please select the time you spent on this activity in hours and minutes.
    • Start/end dates: Alternatively, you can enter your start/end dates and times.
  • Activity outcome: Depending on your role within SSAFA and the type of activity you carry out, you may also be asked to record outcomes, which are an invaluable way to have more accurate reporting information.

These can range from text fields asking you for feedback to asking you to enter the amount raised. These outcomes are set by your administrator. Some outcomes may be compulsory and these will be indicated by an asterisk (*). It is important that you complete this section as accurately as possible as this information may be used in a number of reports.

Other activities 

You might also see other activities that have been added by the system in the background for the following situations.

  • Events: You have accepted an event and the event is set to aggregate an activity to count towards your volunteering hours. 
  • One-off opportunity: If you have a role(s) that has been set as a one-off and the role is also set to aggregate an activity to count towards your volunteering hours.

Any changes made by you or your supervisor to the event or one-off opportunity will automatically be reflected on the activity, you cannot directly amend aggregated activities.

For example, if you cancel the attendance to an event that had created an activity, the system will also automatically delete the activity. Or if the event schedule has been changed the activity will reflect the new event time. 

Past activities

Within the "My Activities" page, you will see the latest activities you have carried out. By clicking on the "Actions" drop-down menu next to each of them, you can view further details (such as outcomes), edit and delete them. 

You can also apply filters such as categories and date ranges. 

You can search for your activities by using the contextual search next to the "My Activities" heading.

Required permission(s)


  • View activities
  • Create an activity 
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