SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Update contact information

Updated on

Contact details

Here you can view, amend and update your phone number, postal address, email address and emergency contacts.

To modify your contact details, click on the "Edit" button. (or "Click here" link if you haven't added one yet).

Click the "Add another..." link if you want to store more information, e.g. additional email address or phone number.

If you add multiple email addresses or phone numbers, press the "Make primary" to indicate which one is your primary.

To remove individual items, click the remove link.

When you are finished making changes, press the "Save & Close" button.

If you change your email address you'll change your login details. Please speak to your supervisor if you are in any way unsure of what to do.

The postcode lookup functionality - To edit or add a postal address enter your postcode and then select the correct address, you can amend any detail afterwards if necessary.

If you cannot find your address, click the "Manual entry" to enter details manually.

Can't save my changes - If a mandatory field is not entered or is not formatted correctly, Assemble will highlight them to you, correct your details and press save again, make sure you are adding correct international format when adding overseas numbers.

Primary contact details cannot be removed. They can only be modified.

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