SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Roles and responsibilities

Updated on

This section displays your role title, the named manager for the role and the team (including group, shop or department) that it's part of. Roles that you have left will normally be shown with an end date, slightly greyed out.

You can click on the blue role title to download a copy of the role profile in PDF format.

If there are any mistakes in this section, please contact your supervisor and they will be able to make the necessary changes.

We may not have added all of your closed roles to Assemble as this can be very complicated when working with older systems. That doesn't mean they're not recorded, only that you can't see them in your user profile.

If you wish to leave one or more of your roles, click on the "Leave role" link and follow the instructions on the screen.

Please discuss with your supervisor first to arrange the best course of action if you wish to leave your volunteering role at SSAFA.

If the role you're leaving is your last active one, please be aware that your account will be set to inactive and you will no longer be able to access Assemble from the date your final role finishes within SSAFA.

Please read our chapter about 'Status' if you wish to find out more about this.

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