Why is Fundraising so important to SSAFA?
Each Year we aim to raise approx £11 million through a variety on income streams. SSAFA have recruited a team of professional fundraisers who specialise in the various areas of income generation.
Income streams include:
- Trusts & Foundations
- Membership Organisations
- Major Donor
- Legacies
- Corporate and Commercial Partners
- Individual Giving
- Challenge Events
- Community Events
- Regional Fundraising
Fundraising is fully supported by the MarComms team. Together the teams produce a variety of campaigns to promote events, individual giving, online donations, online event sign up, internal publications, PR, social media ads, to name just a few.
Why is Fundraising so important to SSAFA?
The income raised by the fundraising team is used to:
Pay for the services provided by SSAFA
- Norton House & Gildea House
- Mentoring Programme
- Adoption Programme
Staff & Volunteer costs:
- Fund the 60% Central Office contribution to the Hubs
- Volunteer Operations/ Service Provision/ Finance/IT/ HR
Training costs:
- Caseworker Training/ Learning & Development
- IT Support & Equipment
- Marketing materials, i.e posters & leaflets
- Merchandise from the marketing hub; i.e t-shirts, pens, bags