SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Community Engagement

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Branch activity

Branches already providing vital community engagement and awareness-raising activities in their local community. All activity helps to deliver SSAFA’s mission to be a trusted source of support for serving personnel, veterans and their families in their time of need.

Through ‘Community Engagement’ branches promote our brand and are our frontline ambassadors and advocates in the communities we serve, ensuring people know who we are, what we do and how to reach us when they need our help. They: -

  • Raise awareness of our work to increase our reach into, and profile amongst, our clients and beneficiaries, and their families
  • Promote SSAFA as an attractive and impactful organisation for financial and partnership support
  • Promote SSAFA as an attractive volunteer organisation to assist with recruitment and retention of volunteers to support our mission
  • Act as a focal point within communities for volunteers and staff, all equally committed to providing the support that our Armed Forces need and deserve at critical crisis points in their lives.
  • Provide a social network for creating a common shared purpose and meaningful contribution for those who have the willingness and capacity to volunteer their time.

We hope to continue Community Engagement to promote the SSAFA brand to advocates in the communities we serve will ensure people know:

Help make SSAFA’s name the ‘First in Mind’ to beneficiaries and supporters.

Existing branch engagement activities include…

Community Engagement Support

Branches and their members will require and receive support from FMC and other directorates to function effectively and harmoniously.  The NDP trials to be conducted in Wales and East Midlands will help us to fully understand how the newly refocused branches will operate and ensure that resources are configured and purposed as needed, but will certainly include the following: -

  • Treasury activities and annual returns – CO Finance Team
  • Recruitment and onboarding – Fundraising Marketing & Communications (FMC) and VolOps – requires new system, Assemble – work in progress
  • Chairs Induction – current programme
  • Fundraising training – Regional Fundraising Managers supported by FMC and L&D
  • Digital and Social Media training – FMC
  • Support for Community Engagement Volunteers – RFM + Community Engagement Officer (new proposed role)
  • Volunteer recognition and development - tbc
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