SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Public-Facing Complaints Policy

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At SSAFA, we are committed to providing the best possible experience to all individuals and stakeholders who engage with our services and activities. We understand that concerns and issues may arise from time to time, and we value feedback as an opportunity to improve.

This policy outlines our approach to handling complaints across various departments, including Community Healthcare, HR (Human Resources), Fundraising, Marketing and Communications, Facilities, Estates, Finance, Volunteer Operations and Social Care Services including Social Work, Adoption, RAF Personal Support and Mentoring.


This policy applies to all individuals, including service users, employees, volunteers, donors, and members of the public who have interactions with SSAFA and wish to make a complaint.

Complaints will be considered ‘out of time’ if the events to which they relate occurred more than 365 days previously. SSAFA email retention policy is limited to 365 days.

3.Lodging a Complaint

Complaints can be lodged through the following channels:

  • Online Form: Fill out our online complaints form:

4.Complaint Handling Process

Upon receiving a complaint, we will follow this process:

Step 1: Acknowledgment  The Complaint Lead will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five working days of receipt and assign a unique reference number.

Step 2: Investigation - The relevant department will thoroughly investigate the complaint, gathering necessary information and speaking to involved parties.

Step 3: Resolution  The Complaint Lead will seek a fair and satisfactory resolution to the complaint. This may involve corrective actions, explanations, or apologies.

Step 4: Communication - The Complaint Lead will communicate the outcome of the investigation and resolution to the complainant within 25 working days of receipt.

Step 5: Escalation - If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution, they can request further review by    contacting the Complaint Lead.

5.Confidentiality and Data Protection

All complaints are to be dealt with in confidence. This means that only those who need to be involved in investigating the complaint will have access to the relevant information, this includes relevant members of the communications team. This will include employees and volunteers, who may be involved with and support the process, as well as anyone else who is the subject of the complaint.

However, if the complaint relates to any form of criminal offence or any other activity about which SSAFA is required to notify a statutory authority, then SSAFA reserves the right to involve others where appropriate.

SSAFA will retain data and information related to a complaint investigation in accordance with its Information Management and Retention Policy (currently 3 years) and our Data Protection Policy.

Information retained will include but may not be exclusive to; names of those involved, complaint notes, investigation documents and the outcome of the complaint.

For any queries or assistance regarding our Complaints Policy, please contact: [email protected].

6.Dissatisfaction with this policy and procedure

It is our hope that for most complaints a mutually satisfactory outcome is met. If the complainant is unhappy with the outcome or the way the complaint has been processed, they have the right to complain to the relevant regulator.

Regulators that are relevant to SSAFA include:

Effective Date: October 2023

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