SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Fundraising Code of Practice

Updated on

Applicable to all SSAFA Employees and Volunteers

How we use personal data

We do process personal data fairly and lawfully.

We do remind donors that they can stop receiving communications from us at any time; we will cease to contact a donor if they ask us to.

We do ensure our donor data is kept up to date.

We do not sell our supporters’ data to other charities or share it with them in any way.

We do have policies about data protection, ethical fundraising and managing complaints.

Telephone fundraising

We do not cold call.

We do call people from time to time who are already on our database.

We always check phone numbers against the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and will not call anyone who is registered.

We always have a code of practice agreement in place with any data agency we work with to help us fundraise.

We ensure the calls they make are recorded and monitored and any complaints are dealt with swiftly.

Face-to-face fundraising

We do not engage in unlicensed street fundraising or house-to-house collections. We do, however, engage professional fundraising organisations on our behalf to conduct licensed and regulated ‘private site’ face to face fundraising for acquiring new cash and regular giving supporters.

We do undertake street collections using volunteer collectors, but we ensure they are properly briefed and have the relevant permissions and licence.

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