SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

SSAFA Photography Process

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This document will outline the process related to photography at SSAFA. The Fundraising, Marketing and Communications (FMC) take ownership of the process.

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity’s brand guidelines highlights how SSAFA as a brand and organisation uses photography. SSAFA is a photographic led brand visually, our photographic styling will always try to capture the human story that is being told to drive an emotional connection with our audiences.

SSAFA uses a photography library, known as Asset Bank, that can be accessed via “My Apps” in the Application Launcher once a single sign-on account has been created. Your account will be limited to our general use photography, if you can’t find what you need please contact the Marketing and Brand team.

SSAFA requires Consent from all subjects who are recognisable in photography and videography. SSAFA’s Consent Form has been developed in conjunction with the Data Governance Manager (DGM) and Data Protection Officer (DPO), if you require support on the form please contact [email protected].

Please click on the link below to access the Consent Form.

Obtaining photography for use in communications

Independent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer

This is those who, for example, are a Digital Marketing Volunteer who needs to find an image to share on a SSAFA social media page or a Volunteer Development Manager uploading an image with a role description on Go Assemble.

  1. Contact the SSAFA Marketing and Brand team to request access to Asset Bank unless you have been highlighted by them as a user already.
  2. The Marketing team will determine access to Asset Bank if consistent usage is needed.
    1. If consistent usage is not needed then the Marketing team will create a shortlist of photographic options for your specific need, that can be accessed via a link. Skip to point 4.
    2. If consistent usage is needed, then the Marketing team will request a single sign-on account is created. The request is made by the Marketing team via the IT helpdesk.

i. The IT team will assign your account to the user group: Sec_Asset Bank which will allow for SSO access via the Application Launcher.

ii. When a person leaves SSAFA their account will be removed from the user group as part of the offboarding process.

3.    Browse the folders or use the search function to find images that will    suit your need.

4.    Upon downloading an image you will note that the file name ends with a date, e.g. 18_08_2024. This is the date that the consent of the image expires.

5.    You must not delete any of the file naming convention. The file name contains needed information.

6.    Once the image has been used for its intended purpose, delete the downloaded file.

7.     View guidance on consent ending on photography.

Dependent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer

This is those who, for example, have briefed FMC directorate to create a wider project/campaign or a leaflet/poster etc.

  1. Complete the Marketing and Communications briefing form.
  2. The Marketing team will select the most appropriate images for the purpose.
  3. The Marketing and Brand team will not delete imagery that is needed for associated design files, these will be saved within the design job folder.
  4. A sign off form will be completed, which will incorporate the sign off of photography with the relevant parties.

Independent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer

This is those who, for example, are a Digital Marketing Volunteer who needs to find an image to share on a SSAFA social media page or a Volunteer Development Manager uploading an image with a role description on Go Assemble.

  1. Upon downloading image from Asset Bank, you will note that the file name ends with a date, e.g. 18_08_2024. This is the date that the consent of the image expires.
  2. You must not delete any of the file naming convention. The file name contains needed information.
  3. At the date shown at the end of the naming convention, you should not use that image anymore, either externally (in the public domain) or internally (for SSAFA internal teams).
  4. You will need to note the date that this image needs to be updated and manage the removal of that image within your own processes.
    1. If you have used the image on a social media feed on a previous date, or date-based usage such as a press release, you do not need to go back and remove this image.
    2. If you have used the image on a more permanent basis on digital channels, such as on a website page, this image will need to be updated.
    3. If you have used the image on a more permanent basis on traditional channels, such as a leaflet, you should ensure no new printing of that material is made after that date. Please contact the Marketing team.

Dependent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer

This is those who, for example, have briefed FMC directorate to create a wider project/campaign or a leaflet/poster etc.

  1. The Marketing team will not use photography that is due to expire during your specified project/campaign timings.
  2. If you are looking to extend the project/campaign please inform the Marketing team as soon as possible.
  3. If you want to re-run the project/campaign, for example the following year, please brief the Marcomms team so that the photography can be updated as necessary.
  4. The exception to this is for photographs used on a more permanent basis on traditional channels, such as a leaflet, you will not need to change the image immediately but should ensure no new printing of materials is made after that date. Please contact the Marketing team.

Removal of consent

  1. If you become aware that a photo subject would like to remove their consent please ensure you ask them to follow the guidance on the Consent Form they signed. Consent can be withdrawn at any time by contacting us in writing or email ([email protected]).
  2. The Case Study Manager will inform the Marcomms team.
  3. The Marketing and Brand team will remove the following imagery and files;
    1. Asset Bank
    2. Asset Bank downloads. An admin account will be able to download a list of users who have accessed those assets to let them know they should no longer be used.
    3. S:Drive design folder
    4. S:Drive photography and video folder
    5. Files held by Freelance photographers/videographers/designers
    6. Printed materials, including print advertising where possible
  4. The PR team will remove the following imagery and files;
    1. Case study records
    2. Consent forms
    3. Press materials
  5. The Digital and Innovation team will remove the following imagery and files;
    1. Website
    2. YouTube and Vimeo
    3. Social Media posts
    4. Digital advertising
  6. Each Head of team will confirm once the actions have taken place.
  7. Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications to report to the organisation.

Right to erasure

  1. If you become aware that a photo subject would like to enact their Right to Erasure please follow the guidance to report this to the Data Governance team.
  2. The Data Governance Manager will inform the Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications and report to the organisation, including dates for removal.
  3. The Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications will inform the Heads of teams in Marcomms with written and verbal acknowledgement with check in meetings indicated.
  4. The Head of Marketing and Brand will organise the checklist spreadsheet.
  5. Each team will enable their checks, completing the checklist as they go, when images, photography or files are found they will be deleted and documented.
    1. The Marketing and Brand team will remove the following imagery and files;
      1. Asset Bank.
      2. Asset Bank downloads. An admin account will be able to download a list of users who have accessed those assets to let them know they should no longer be used.
      3. S:Drive design folder
      4. S:Drive photography and video folder
      5. Files held by Freelance photographers/videographers/designers
      6. Printed materials, including print advertising where possible
      7. Emails and Teams messages
      8. Request other teams to check their emails, Teams messages and files
    2. The PR team will remove the following imagery and files;
      1. Case study records
      2. Consent forms
      3. Press materials
      4. Emails and Teams messages
      5. Request other teams to check their emails, Teams messages and files
    3. The Digital and Innovation team will remove the following imagery and files;
      1. Website
      2. YouTube and Vimeo
      3. Social Media posts
      4. Digital advertising
      5. Emails and Teams messages
      6. Request other teams to check their emails, Teams messages and files
  6. A second review will be made by a second person, following the same format as step 5.
  7. If further files, photographs or images are found in the second review then a third review will need to take place.
  8. Each Head of team will confirm once the actions have taken place.
  9. Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications to report to the DGM.

Sign off of photography usage

Independent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer

This is those who, for example, are a Digital Marketing Volunteer who needs to find an image to share on a SSAFA social media page or a Volunteer Development Manager uploading an image with a role description on Go Assemble.

  1. Your Assent Bank profile will only allow you to see general purpose photography and provide you with the date when consent will end.
  2. Follow your own team sign off processes.
  3. Complete the sign off form provided on Asset Bank.

Dependent usage by SSAFA employee or volunteer.

This is those who, for example, have briefed FMC directorate to create a wider project/campaign or a leaflet/poster etc.

  1. The Marcomms team will have selected your imagery and will complete sign off on imagery usage consent.
    1. At this stage the Case Study Manager/Head of PR will ensure any case study will see the materials if this is needed.
  2. In instances of communications containing or referencing sensitive subjects or one of SSAFA’s specialist services then sign off is required from the Case study Manager/Head of PR, the Head of Marketing and Brand as well as the Service Manager/Subject Matter Expert.
  3. For larger projects/campaigns or when it is deemed necessary the Service Manager/Subject Matter Expert as well as Head of PR/Head of Brand will escalate this sign off to their Directors.
    1. Please complete the Campaign/Project sign off form.

Independent and Dependent usage by SSAFA Community Healthcare in Cyprus

The Community Healthcare team hold a selection of service specific photography with consent forms outside of the standard process, which is used only for the purposes of the service and contract under the MOD as approved by the DGM and DPO. Images will be supplied to Marcomms colleagues for Dependent usage and consent will be signed off the by Community Healthcare colleagues.

Creating new photography

  1. Photography for SSAFA is managed by SSAFA’s Marketing and Brand team, part of FMC. If you feel there is a gap in our photography that needs attention, please do let us know at [email protected].
  2. If you are hosting important events and you think photography is needed please let us know.
    1. If we feel that photography can be gathered that benefits several areas of SSAFA we may organise for a professional to attend.
  3. When sending a professional photographer is not appropriate you may wish to take some photographs, do use our photography guidelines for some tips and tricks.
    1. Contact the Marketing team for the photography Consent Form.
    2. The photography Consent Form will be needed to use imagery containing a person’s face or where the person may be recognisable. Verbal consent cannot be used as proof in the future, so the form needs to be signed.
    3. At public events it is possible to take photographs without consent in order to document the event.

Storing and auditing photography


  1. SSAFA uses a series of approved freelance photographers and videographers, there is also inhouse camera equipment.
  2. Marketing and Brand team will ask Freelance resource to sign our SSAFA freelance photography agreement.
  3. Each photoshoot conducted has a folder created in S:Drive photography and video folder, this stores the redacted consent forms, photography brief (redacted) and other planning documents.
  4. Non-redacted consent forms are saved within the Case Study folder, by Case Study Manager or Head of PR, which has extremely limited accessibility.
  5. All photography files will be supplied to the Marketing and Brand team using the naming convention that is included in the photography brief. If a photoshoot is conducted in-house, it is the duty of the Marketing and Brand team member responsible for uploading the images to apply the naming convention.
    1. The naming convention includes date of the photoshoot as well as the name of the subject. Upon downloading assets the name of the file stays intact, which means if we need to search of a downloaded asset then this is much easier.
  6. Photography is saved in its specific folder in S:Drive photography and video folder.
  7. Photography is uploaded to Asset Bank using the naming convention by an admin account.
  8. Appropriate tags are placed against the photograph that will be used for searching the system, the tags only tags used will show what a file is allowed to be used for, for example if an image is to be used for an adoption advert it will be tagged with ‘adoption’. The photographs will be placed in appropriate Asset Bank folders to ensure permissions are maintained.
  9. Expiry dates are set on Asset Bank so that photography is no longer availability following consent expiry.


  1. Every three months Marketing and Brand will audit photography that is kept on Asset Bank and within the S:Drive photography and video folder.
    1. The schedule should align with quarters (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec)
  2. A spot check of 20 photographs selected at random on Asset Bank. The check on those images will ensure that;
    1. the expiry date is present and not expired,
    2. The tags are correct and appropriate,
    3. Ensure consent is still held against all photo subjects,
    4. Conduct a search of S: Drive Design folders,
    5. Download the list of downloaders around SSAFA, contact them to understand photography usage.
  3. Results will be recorded on the Photography Audit document and reported to the Head of Marketing and Brand.
  4. Every failed audit will be escalated to the DGM and data breach guidance followed.
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