SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Investments Policy

Updated on

All SSAFA funds not required for current activities are to be invested by, or under the direction of, Council, in such securities as will be determined by Council, or by its investment managers in accordance with a predetermined investment policy approved by Council. All investments are to be held in the name of SSAFA, or in the name of a nominee approved by Council.

Sums sent by branches and committees to Central Office for investment will normally be invested by Council on their behalf. Council undertakes to pay interest on such investments, and to realise and repay to branches and committees their investments, or any part of them, at the current market price when required.

(Regulations Under the Royal Charter of Incorporation and Rules)

SSAFA Units / Instant Access can be bought/sold through Finance Dept Contact [email protected]

Dividends and interest are paid quarterly, but can be set to re-invest Example of SSAFA investment rates (as at September 2023):

  • Instant Access: interest 1.55% annually (Coutts Business Reserve account rate)
  • Units: Dividend yield 3.9%
  • All external investments must be approved by Council in advance

Almonised funds should not be invested as Grant remainders should either:

  • be returned to grant provider
  • transferred to SSAFA funds with permission
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