SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

The role of your Community Engagement Coordinator

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NDP trial regions are supported by a Community Engagement Co-ordinator. The key role and responsibilities are as follow:

- Day-to-day involvement with local branches Including developing long lasting relationships with volunteers and encouraging participation in raising awareness throughout the region.

- Support branches to identify local community engagement opportunities and oversee fundraising activities carried out by branches (and service committees), through advice, planning and personal involvement (where practicable); and help branches to identify opportunities for new activities and improvements to existing events.

- Encourage branches to take part in nationally coordinated fundraising events, appeals and activities for the purposes of raising income and awareness of SSAFA’s charitable work in the local and regional community.  These might include, but are not limited to, Armed Forces Week, Camo Day and Big Brew Up.

- Work with the Fundraising, Marketing and Communications directorate to develop new awareness and fundraising initiatives and optimise fundraising and related promotional opportunities.

- Ensure that all fundraising and local promotional activities are lawful, comply with best practice, and SSAFA brand and marketing guidelines.  

- Work with our Volunteer Operations team to advise and assist with the recruitment, retention and support of regional, branch and service committee volunteer fundraisers.

- Work with colleagues to deliver branch volunteer training in brand awareness, fundraising and speaker delivery. 


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