SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Introduction to e-learning courses

Updated on

There are three ways of accessing e-learning courses  at SSAFA. These are as follows: -

  • Accessing mandatory courses assigned to you directly, via Assemble
  • Accessing the courses / learning pathway is assigned to you on Learning Base (shown in the assigned courses tab - please note not all your mandatory courses will be visible here)
  • Enrolling on optional courses via the Content Library

Accessing an e-Learning course

  1. If you are accessing the course through Assemble, you would click on the course tile on that system to start the course
  1. If you are accessing the course through Learning base click on the course tile to start the course
  1. If you are enrolling onto a new course through the content library, you will access the course as part of that enrollment

Course navigation

When you start, you will see a course screen that has useful information on it.

  1. This button will start the course, either from the beginning or from the last point you reached in it. 
  2. This table shows you all the modules and their names
  3. These circle icons show you whether a module has not been started (grey); has been started but not finished (half grey and half green); completed (green)  
  4. This percentage icon will tell you how many modules you have completed. For example, if a course has 2 modules, and you have completed one, it will show 50% completion

Above the course, you will see a navigation bar with a number of options to help you navigate

  1. Hamburger icon - Click this to see / hide the modules or courses
  2. Next Module - takes you to the next module in the course
  3. Exit - closes the course

The hamburger icon shows your progress in the course and lets you navigate to a particular module. Click the hamburger again to hide course modules

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