SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Introduction to the Dashboard

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Click on the Home Button to get started

Turn off the welcome message

The welcome message appears each time you return to the dashboard. You can hide it temporarily by clicking on the 'x'

You may wish to stop the welcome message from reappearing. To do so...

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the welcome message
  2. Untick the 'Always show this message on the Home page' checkbox

Dashboard layout

  1. Home button
  2. Menu bar
  3. Message icon
  4. Profile icon

The Assigned Training Metrics banner shown above gives you a nice visual indication of how many courses you have to do or whether any courses are overdue.

Below this, you have the Assigned training viewer which lets you focus on the training assigned to you based on

Assigned training viewer

Click on each of the tabs which lets you see courses filtered by either: -

  • To do
  • Completed

Click each of the headings below for more information on the Menu items

Content Library


  1. Click 'Content Library' to view other courses that are available

Search the Content Library

  1. Type in the search bar to search content
  2. Tick 'Content Type' check-boxes to search filter by courses or learning paths
  3. Tick required 'Tags' to search a specific tag e.g. webinar

A Learning Pathway is a collection of courses. They are used to make it easy for the learner to see which courses they should complete for a particular role. If you have already done a course which makes up the pathway, it will show it as already completed.

Enroling onto a course or learning pathway

  1. Click the course tile you want to start
  2. Click Start this learning path

After enroling onto a course it will be shown in the Assigned training viewer on the dashboard

Course navigation

Above the course, you will see a navigation bar with a number of options to help you navigate

  1. Hamburger icon - Click this to see / hide the modules or courses
  2. Feedback - allows you to give your feedback on the course
  3. Next Module - takes you to the next module in the course
  4. Exit - closes the course

The hamburger icon shows your progress in the course and lets you navigate to a particular module. Click the hamburger again to hide course modules


Click Achievements to see a report of your completed courses

  1. Click 'Help' to search for help in the knowledge base
  2. The knowledge-base will open in a new tab
  3. Click the + symbol beside the topic to explore the topics
  4. Type a topic or keyword into the search bar
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