SSAFA Volunteer Knowledgebase

Sir James Gildea Awards

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The Sir James Gildea Awards is a SSAFA-wide award scheme that highlights exceptional contributions by volunteers, employees, and external partners.

SSAFA’s success is contingent upon the efforts of our people  including volunteers, employees, and our community of supportive partners. The Sir James Gildea awards are an important way to recognise what ‘exceptional’ looks like in different areas of SSAFA.

The purpose of the scheme is to recognise and celebrate those who demonstrate their passion and commitment towards SSAFA’s activities, Values and BRAVE Standards at local (known as Local Sir James Gildea Awards) and national/global (known as Global Sir James Gildea Awards).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to make a nomination this year.

Local Awards

Local award winners will receive a certificate and a congratulatory letter, which will include the name of their nominator and their full nomination. If a person is nominated by more than one person they will receive one award, however all nominations will be included in the congratulatory letter.

The presentation of Local Awards will be decided by Branch Executives, Service Leads or Staff Directors, this may be in-person or through the post. Nominators will not be contacted directly with an update on award presentation.

Global Awards

All Local Award nominations will be submitted to the relevant Regional Chair/Head of Service/Director, who will short list and present a selection of exceptional winners to the Governance Committee for consideration for a Global Award.

The Governance Committee will then select 12 volunteers, 2 employees & 1 external partner to be SSAFA’s Global Award winners. The winners will be announced at the AMM in Summer 2025.

Our Volunteer Global Awards are kindly sponsored by Room to Reward who provide each winner with a voucher for a short break in one of their selected associated hotels.

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